Monday, August 21, 2006

Sad Week

This week was a sad one in my horse world.

Shazam (my little cutsie buttons) was in an accident and severely wounded his inside hock. He has a 2" by 2" by 2" (thats right, like 2" deep) puncture right above his left hind hock. Between Carole and myself, we have been working very hard to keep it clean and bandaged, but since its in such an awkward place, we have had terrible luck keeping the bandages from sliding, and it is now grossly infected. Changing pus saturdated bandages three to four times a day is not what I had in mind for my last week of summer vacation.

But, I suppose I could look at the bright side- he's not dead yet.

Anyway, I also got some news from my coach in Maidstone saying that maybe this week wouldnt be so great to come down and train for the week. So, that leaves me at home with nothing to do, as my one horse is injured and all, as in every single one, of my friends are at Sr Teen.

Not only that, she changed her mind on lending me a school horse to use for testing, meaning I paid the Canadian Pony club a ridiculous amount of money to prepare for my last Regional Rating, before I move up to provincials, and now I can't do it. Boo, that sucks.

Even Jazz isn't being nice to me. The last week of horse camp she decided to take up head tossing again, meaning that the Standing Martingale has to go back on. If there is one thing I hate using, its the standing martingale. All she does is through up her head, and then the martingale catches her on the nose and she rubs holes into her nose with the cavesson noseband every time she throws up her head. Little monkey.

Anyway, that's enough of my whining for right now.

I'm out.

Jazz was


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